
Duel - Phan

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missgeeholly's avatar

Literature Text

Title: Duel
Author: missgeeholly
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluff

'3...2...1...GO!' Chris called out in his 'dramatic voice-over' tone. Dan and Phil leapt at each other, flailing the giant cushions around like mad-men. Phil squealed slightly, letting himself fall on to the messed up bed. Dan smiled slightly and breathed heavily through his teeth as though he was putting in some effort. In actual fact, he was trying his best not to hurt his boyfriend. 
Dan hit Phil a few more times before dropping and landing softly on top of him. They lay there waiting for Chris to speak.
'Dan... winner.' Chris said, eventually. Phil giggled and Dan shifted slightly, letting Phil swivel round to face him. Dan brushed some of Phil's hair out of his face and kissed him gently on the lips.
'I didn't hurt you too badly did I?' Their noses touched gently as Dan spoke.
'Not at all, that was fun. But now you're crushing me, not that I don't like how close we are but I think I might die if you don't get the hell off me soon, fatty.' Phil grinned, winking cheekily. 
'Oi, rude.' Dan stood up and crossed his arms across his chest, pouting down at Phil. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
'Oh, come on then.' Phil yanked Dan down by his arm, causing him to crash back down on top of him, pulling his lips roughly to his own.
'Hey, guys? Remember us? Keep it PG while we're in the vicinity, please.' Peej grumbled mockingly. Dan chuckled against Phil's lips and flipped them both off. Chris gasped.
'Naughty Dan! My innocent eyes should not be exposed to such disgusting behaviour.' Chris said in a shocked manner. Dan pulled away from Phil, making him whimper quietly.
'Oh, you're the one to talk. I heard you and Peej last night, don't think you can get away with calling yourself innocent.' Dan said matter-of-factly, causing both Chris and Peej to turn bright red. Dan's eyes widened.
'...I was joking.' He said slowly, the truth dawning on him.
'OH MY GOD, GUYS! YOU FINALLY HOOKED UP?' Phil wriggled out from underneath Dan to confront the blushing PJ and Chris. 'When? Where? How? Oh my god, this is awesome. The Fantastic Foursome is paired off even more than it was before! This is just amazing.' Phil exhaled dreamily. Dan got on to all fours on the bed, pulling Phil back to him, growling and biting his neck gently. Phil giggled and slapped his hands. 
'I told you not to do that!' He whined, voice full of happiness even when he was trying to sound annoyed.
'And since when did I take orders from you?' Dan whispered huskily, licking Phil's ear, making him shiver. 
'SERIOUSLY? AGAIN?!' Chris threw his hands up in the air.
'Oh, loosen up a bit and go have fun in your bedroom, I know I want to in here.' Dan said dismissively, waving a hand at them, his eyes full of lust for Phil. Chris smiled creepily and Peej who gulped. He grabbed his hand and pulled him out of Phil and Dan's room.
'See you guys in a couple of hours!' Dan called after them before turning back to Phil. 'Now... you.' 
LOLOLOLOL screw french revision. it's not like it's a GCSE or anything.... oh wait, it is. fml.
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